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Welcome to NWEP


What to expect when bringing your horse to our clinic:


This can vary depending on what your horse is coming to NWEP for, whether it is a lameness evaluation or advanced imaging; such as a standing MRI or nuclear scintigraphy (bone scan). If you have any questions before your appointment please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 503.632.9151 or email at


When you arrive for your appointment, please pull your trailer up to the reception area (second building on the right, you will see sign for the office), stop and check in with the front desk. They will have some forms for you to fill out regarding your horse and the nature of your visit. Once you have filled out your paperwork, NWEP Horse History Form and, if your horse is spending the night a NWEP Admission Form. The front desk staff will then send a staff member to help you unload your horse and tell you where to go. You may then pull your trailer around the round pen and park. Please find an NWEP staff member before unloading your horse to help you find the correct stall. A veterinarian will be with you shortly to begin your horse’s evaluation. Fresh coffee is available at the front desk or in the client lounge.


  • Lameness evaluations may require a substantial amount of time. If you are unavailable to stay for the entire exam feel free to drop your horse off and schedule a convenient pick up time with the front desk. Please leave your contact information with the front desk staff so we will be able to contact you if necessary. 


  • We typically have staff available to handle your horse during the exam, so you can observe your horse with the veterinarian.


  • We are an elite equine sports medicine practice; so more than one veterinarian is likely to be involved in your horse’s case during your appointment, depending on what diagnostics are necessary.


  • Payment in full is requested at time of discharge. We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard or Discover.


What to bring with you


  • Paperwork: forms can be downloaded (click below) and printed so you can bring them with you to your horse's appointment and save some time in the front office.


  • Any medical history on your horse including; previous lameness exam history, radiographs, ultrasounds, any previous imaging done on your horse. 


  • Supplies for your horse to stay in clinic if further diagnostics are necessary (blankets, treats, grain, supplements, etc). We offer eastern Oregon grass hay to the horses in clinic, but we do not stock any grain.


  • If you think your horse's lameness is more visible or worse with a rider than bring your tack and a helmet. We have a covered outdoor arena exclusively for this purpose, so come with whatever you may need. 



What to expect when you horse gets a standing MRI:


  • Dr. Rachel Buchholz is responsible for the NWEP standing MRI cases and will need your horse’s lameness history and other pertinent details to best plan the MRI. She may also contact your regular veterinarian as needed for pertinent lameness information. 


  • Your horse’s shoes will need to be pulled. If it is a front end MRI, then both front shoes will be pulled. If it is a hind end MRI then both hind shoes will be pulled. This is done so the horse's feet do not get stuck to the magnet during the MRI. This can be done at the clinic – just helpful to know for planning your farrier appointments.


  • Horses often spend the night in clinic after a standing MRI. This allows us to observe them closely after the MRI and gives us more time to acquire all the necessary images needed to diagnose what is causing your horse’s lameness. This is NOT a requirement and can be very case dependent. Horses can go home the same day if necessary, just let us know so we can plan accordingly.


  • Dr. Buchholz will be contact with you, your trainer and/or your referring veterinarian the following morning after the MRI to go over the imaging results and to develop a treatment plan. You will not have your horse's MRI results immediately following the MRI. 


  • The MR images are often reviewed by a board certified radiologist, Dr. Natasha Werpy DVM, DACVR. The MR images are sent to her on the day of the MRI via email and she typically gets her report back to Dr. Buchholz by the next morning. 


  • An MRI report will be send to you via postal mail after your appointment. If you would like an email copy please be sure to leave your email with the front desk staff or Dr. Buchholz. A copy will also be sent to your regular veterinarian. 





























What to expect when your horse is getting a bone scan:


  • Horse arrivals are scheduled between 8:00 and 8:30am the morning of the bone scan appointment. If necessary, your horse can arrive the night before, depending on the schedule. Please be sure to call the office to arrange an alternative drop off time if necessary. 


  • Your horse’s shoes may need to be pulled depending on the area of concern, or if something is seen during the scan within a foot.


  • A technician will call you once your horse's bone scan is complete to give you an update on how they are doing.


  • A veterinarian will be in contact with you the following morning after the bone scan to discuss the findings of the bone scan and a further diagnostic/ treatment plan. 


  • The horses are radioactive for 24 hours after injection of the isotope. For this reason, they MUST spend the night in the clinic and cannot be discharged until the following morning.


  • After a bone scan, the next day is typically when a follow-up examination is performed and further diagnostics and/or treatments are performed. This is helpful to know when scheduling, leave yourself time, not only for the bone scan, but also for any follow up work to be done. This is only applicable if NWEP is treating your horse. If your horse is returning to you regular veterinarian for follow up therapy, then you should be able to leave the next morning (pending what time your horse was injected).


  • A bone scan report with be send to you via postal mail after your appointment. If you would like an email copy please be sure to leave your email with the front desk staff or one of the doctors. A copy will also be sent to your regular veterinarian. 


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